Our Covenant — Dunbar Heights Baptist Church


A church covenant is a promise of our commitments to one another as members of a local church. It is a summary of how we agree to live together, and more importantly a summary of how God would have us live. In that sense, our covenant is an ethical statement rooted in a biblical standard.

We use our covenant in two ways. We require all new members to affirm and sign it before joining the church. We also reaffirm our commitment to the covenant before taking communion during our services.

  • In the presence of God, and by His grace, I will joyfully strive to fulfil the following commitments of membership.


  • I commit to live together in Christian love; to remember one another in prayer, to rejoice with those who rejoice, to aid in sickness or distress, to speak in a manner that builds up, and to consider others better than myself.
  • I will strive to maintain the unity of the Spirit  and support the leadership God has appointed to serve this church.
  • I will pursue reconciliation if offense occurs between myself and another, and reject all opportunities to participate in gossip or slander.
  • I will actively employ my gifts and talents for the good of this church and faithfully give of my time, effort, and financial resources.
  • I will consistently meet together in corporate worship and strive to participate in small groups and church life.
  • With fervent prayer and careful self-examination, I will lovingly admonish and seek to restore those whose practice of sin requires it.  I will do so in a way that reflects both grace and truth.
  • Affirming my life’s goal to be like Jesus Christ, I invite the members of this church to hold me accountable  to a godly life and to fulfilling this covenant.
  • As a church we ask that God, for the praise of His glory, and the joy of His people, assist us in fulfilling this covenant to each other.